/Currently under fire\ \ Sgt.Pepper /
Age 30, Male
Austin TX
Joined on 3/19/08
raggy704 2008-04-14 21:42:13
dude, i never said i didn't like harry potter, did i? :3 get shit straight.
SgtPepperClock 2008-04-14 21:42:13
Well ya kinda did im just a big fan of j.k. rowling did you know she tried to kill herself? any ways sorry it really looked like you were saying that harry potter sucks. =/
lawsoflife 2008-04-15 19:23:36
u should hide ur comics:P
SgtPepperClock 2008-04-15 19:23:36
I cant the'll find them i caaaannnnt 0_0;
dude, i never said i didn't like harry potter, did i? :3 get shit straight.
Well ya kinda did im just a big fan of j.k. rowling did you know she tried to kill herself? any ways sorry it really looked like you were saying that harry potter sucks. =/